So I created Plan B *sigh* .... and this is part of it -
I signed up for two events:
Boot Camp Challenge - I've done this event before and included the course map to the left. It's a 3 mile run with drill instructors "encouraging" you along the way. The run takes place in Camp Pendleton and runners have to go through actual marine obstacle courses. It's really a lot of fun and a lot of military hotties for eye candy!!!
The second event I just signed up for is Heart Ridge Half Marathon. It's 13.1 mile course through rolling hills and fire-roads. For this event, I have to start training hard core at LEAST 3 months in advance, so this will be just the motivation I need.
I ran the Disneyland 1/2 marathon having only trained 3-4 miles beforehand, and I hadn't done a 13-miler for a few years before that, and I almost lost a toe (well okay, it was just a blood blister), so yeah, you need to train for the half and get good running shoes. Good songs on the iPod makes a day/night difference!
PS - Be prepared to laugh when your flakey coworkers see you in a month and wish they'd stuck to the plan with you so that they could look as good as you would at that time.
There you go.. have fun with that!
Maybe you should sign up (with someone) for the Amazing Race... I'd love to be on that show.
Thanks Cindy for the advise! Last night at the gym I was just thinking I need new running shoes. I think after work I'll head over to Road Runners and treat myself to a new pair. :)
Jordan - Never heard of Amazing Race, I'll have to go so a search on it. But I am on TV? That could be cool!!!
I have a gift cert from my judge for A Snail's Pace to get running shoes. They're in Brea. Wanna go there before our massage apptmt on Sunday? They watch you run and recommend shoes based on whether you overpronate (which I do), underpronate, or are neutral, and check you for arch support, etc.
Cindy, I will go with you but I am boycotting the store. I had told the store assoc that I need arch support and she refused to sell me shoes with them because the way I ran. It turns out that I have a low arch and really do need arch support! I went for a long run and when I took off my shoes my ankles we all bruised, I couldn't walk the next day and had to see a podiatrist. It was BAD! He said that I need arch support and the lack of it in my shoes coupled with the pounding of me running for such a long time was the cause of my footsie not being happy & all black & blue. I meant to write them a letter to give the store a heads up and never did.
GOOD NEWS!!! My oldest sis emailed me and said she might do the 1/2 marathon with me! :) AND.... she said that sis #2 might do it , too!
well, don't worry about going w/me to the store. i haven't redeemed the cert and was just gonna do it cuz you needed shoes, too. i'm probably not even going, then.
If you chage your mind, we can totally go! Oh, and Jamba Juice is right across the the way, so we can get fresh oj & a wheatgrass shot for your cold! :)
Ahhh... I just pulled up the course map to show a co-worker and there is a wall I have to climb. YIKES!!!
I need to work on my upper body strength real bad now! Maybe I will finally do that pull up w. assistance that I always wanted to do.
We did do the assisted pull-up machine. Remember when you worked out with me in Brea the 1st time you met James?
I know now that I can do the 6-ft wall! Yay! I don't remember how I did it, tho.
so I ate a piece of cake reading these comments... I totally feel like I need to detox now... somehow I feel ashamed.
and about the shoes.. unless those people are podiatrists (who watch you run and then tell you what shoes to get), I wouldn't listen to them...
But they're specially TRAINED for that, Jordan! *putting forkful of cake in your mouth*
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