Monday, March 19, 2007

RIGHT side of the bed

I have a private Myspace account that is not personalized at all. I use it primarily to keep an eye on my 14 year old niece, who is at the age were she needs an eye to be kept on her. However, last October I must have been extremely bored at work or needed to write, because I actually used the blog feature and wrote a few entries. I was rereading them and really liked this one and decided to move it over to this blog.

Myspace blog - 10/13/06 - The last three mornings I have woken up in bliss. What shocks me more is this feeling of bliss is still with me even when I wake up late and realize that I did not set my alarm the night before. I came into work announcing that I woke up on the "RIGHT" side of the bed! What a concept -- to celebrate the RIGHT days! I am feeling a deep gratitude for those I love. I believe this means I am on the up side of healing. What a rejoicing feeling. Every morning should start this way! I can't remember if I had these days before my Father passed away. My memory is a little foggy, but I do remember being happy all the time and people complimenting me on it. Last night before practice I was told I have a glow about me. I feel like I am BACK! Positive and happy 'ol me.


Anonymous said...

Hmm. This wasn't that long ago. October...october...what was going on back then? I'm gonna look back in my blog and see.

Ano the Blogger said...

Hmmm I didnt know you back then. I think I'll have to go dig through Cindy's blog to figure this out too.

Those are the kinds of days that I live for. To wake up, feel good, and be happy about whatever it is going on :).

BTW, I can totally see what the people at practice meant. When you're happy you have an aura of happiness about you that is really infectious!

Anonymous said...

Okay, I've checked. In mid October, my dad was sick in the hospital and we were getting ready for Hawaii. I'm gonna assume you weren't happy over my dad's situation, so you must've been excited about Hawaii.

Jane Doe said...

I was doing a lot of self reflection at that time and trying to get out of my funk about my Dad's passing. It was the first time that I could remember since June 23rd that I woke up in a good mood and actually could stomach some breakfast. Go figure my appetite would return right before our trip and gain weight.

Anonymous said...

haha, that happened to me before! This one time when I was sick, nothing I ate stayed in. So one day in an enlightened find-the-silver-lining frame of mind, I ate a couple of brownies, cookies, ice cream, and cake because hey, it's gonna come right out anyway, may as well enjoy myself. That was the day I got better. :P

Vanessa said...

Oh brownies, cookies, ice cream and cake sounds so yummy! And I am not even PMSing. At least I don't think so.... You think after years of having her I would be able to keep track, but nope.

I am hoping that doesn't happen again with my weight lost right down. That's why I got that detox thing to keep me in line.