I left my house and headed to Cindy's ready to PARTY! I was making great timing and stopped off to get some gas and cash. I get a call from Cindy asking my ETA and offering to drive, so I could drink. I am so used to being the designated driver that I couldn't’t resist the tempting offer! Off we went to pick up Birthday Boy and on the way Cindy realized that she forgot her phone, so she dropped James and I off while she made a mad dash home to retrieve and hurry back to us.
I had never been to Taps before and it was a real treat. Cindy had recommended the joint and it was an excellent pick! Very cool place with walls decorated with framed articles regarding the restaurant. We sat in the patio where it was surprisingly warm. There were heat lamps above us and fireplaces to keep us toasty. Plus, ALCOHOL!
We started the night with a round of drinks and calamari appetizer. My first drink was Blue Bayou. It's in the Hurricane drink family and was yummy! There was a “James Bond” martini on the menu and James just had to have, after all it had his name written all over it. What a koinkidink!
My second drink was a “Red Ruby” martini made with pomegranate juice, vodka and some other good tasting stuff. This one was A LOT stronger then my first! For dinner, I was debating between a salad or salmon and when tossing the ideas out to Cindy she recommended that I have something heavy to soak up the alcohol – good advice. I normally don’t drink, so I am naturally a light weight. It was a good choice - Very tasty!
The night starts to get fuzzy for me about now, but I do remember having lots of laughs, good conversations and happy moments!
(Cindy, Jerry, Me, Paul's new friend (name? I had already had two drinks by the time she showed up, not my fault!), Paul and the one being carried is B-day Boy - James)
We are awesome hostesses!!!
I was doing bunny ears too but obviously didn't hold them up high enough!

(My piece of cake)
Dude, it is HUGE!
This seemed soo much cooler with drinks in me, but I thought it was amazing to see them together. It was like the yin and yang of phones. Mine has the color on the outside and hers in the inside, so I just had to take a pix. I guess you had to be there and have drinks in you to really appreciate the photo.
(My piece of cake)
Dude, it is HUGE!
B-day boy got TWO pieces of cake.
It was last call at the bar and we took a shot. It's call something like Mint Chocolate Cake and it really tastes like it, too. Another koinkidink... we also had mint chocolate ice cream cake!
Wow, you already posted about it!! I had a GREAT time!!! That cake shot was sooo yummmmyyyyy.
Thanks so much to you and Cindy for setting it all up, the cake, the gift basket!
I still wonder what I did to deserve all that :)
It's not what you did, James, it's what you may HAVE to do some day...
Here's another koinkidink. You know how James' friend Paul gave him the book "Secret," and you said you'd just seen the movie and loved it, so it was koinkidink #1, and then I said I'd recently HEARD someone talkking about the movie and making me want to see it, and you thought it was you but it wasn't? I just realized this morning it was Mr. W's friend whom we had brunch with this past Sunday! How koinkidinkal that I'd hear about a movie that you just happened to watch and that James happened to get in book form on his bday?
Oh I wish I could have been there, it looks SO fun!! Glad you guys had a fun night. Did James enjoy his basket yet????
Cindy I think you have some supernatural stuff going on...lucky girl. The stars align in your favor.
I want some cake (with no calories of course)
Hahaha wow I really need to read the book :) That IS a serious Koinkidink!
I never had so many coincidences like this happen to me until i met you (again).
flat coke -- wish you were here too! it woulda been so fun :)
It would've been cool if you were there, Flat Coke, and thanks for your concern that we got home all right! It was fine, as designated driver, I only had 1 drink WAY early in the evening and stopped. Vanessa and James had 3 each!! *pointing*
Vanessa's so cute when she's buzzing. She thinks everything's cute and endearing. It was "Oh, lemme take a picture! *snap* *looking at photo on camera* Awwww!" "Lemme take a picture of you with your friend! *snap* Awwwww!" "Hey, look at our 2 phones together! Awwww! *snap* *snap snap snap* Hey, it's blurry! *snap snap* Awwww!"
:( I wish I was there too... but it'll be much better next year when our boy james turns 30!!!!
*spank spank*
I was only reminded how awful I am after seeing your phones side by side... :( I was totally going to call Cindy's phone and sing hippo birdie to james (marilyn monroe style) and ended up falling asleep on the couch after a long day resuscitating plastic little ones.
Lol, I agree Vanessa is really cute when she's buzzing haha. The Cellphone thing was hillarious!!!
And Jordan just said she would FLY DOWN for my 30th!!! Now as long as she doesn't fall asleep again and miss her flight...... :D
Jordan better fly down before that!
Flat Coke & Jordan - We wish you were there, too! But you were definitely there in spirit!
James - You are going to love that book! It really makes you think about life.
Cindy - And to think... I only ha to drinks in me. :D But the second one WAS strong.
Looks like you guys had a fun time. And only 3 drinks for the birthday boy? Man you guys aren't doing your job!
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