I found some real motivation to get back into hardcore, SEXY shape. My roommie invited me to a trip to Vegas with the guys. The trip will be at the end of April in celebration of roommie's big 28, so I have about a month to get in tip top shape. Since I will be the only girl, and they all know me as the "ex," I need to look HOT!
Here are some pixs to keep me motivated.

Here are some pixs to keep me motivated.

(me practicing martial arts in my Dad's home in Nicaragua. I look SO thin)
(me at the beach in Montelimar Resort, Nicaragua)

(Halloween 3 years ago)
- Workout (duh!), but I am going to write out a plan for each week, so that way I can see my schedule and not over commit or get burned out.
- Do a 11 day detox
- Schedule my 10 training sessions with trainer
- Do Sexy Challenge with two co-workers starting 4/12 for 1 month.
Photo 1 - I think you might be a little TOO thin.
Photo 2 - Argh! You're too small! I can't see what you look like! What a tease.
Photo 3 - My favorite! I've even blogged about this photo in the past! I have never had my abs look like that. Never.
Hey Vanessa,
Wow great pictures! You look hot! :)
And yea the pictures are too small!
Cindy - I cropped the photo and was going to add it and my stink'n computer gave me an error. Plus, it save my old pix as cropped, so I am missing from the pix! I'll go home and get the CD it was on and post a close up tomorrow.
James - Thanks!
The 1st and 3rd picture, I can click on it and it'll open an enlarged version in a separate window. The 2nd one won't do that.
LOL!! I love you so much!!! I like hwta you have done to your page! Very nice!!! You are such a beautiful girl! :-) Seems like you will have that body in no time! And Vegas?? Sounds like fun :-)!!! Lots of fun!! Oh yeah, its Jess your lil sis! :-)
Cindy - I promise tomorrow, you will see a zoomed in version!
Jess - Thanks for the love girl! If you ever want to go work out, I get to bring someone with me for free everytime I go :) Now you have NO excuses.
Love the pics!!! Are you not that size NOW?
Nope... I gainned about 12-15lbs and lost a lot of the definition
Cindy... I delievered, as promised! :)
I love that beach picture! You're so cute!
Aww! Thanks! I remember I had to wear shorts the entire time, because I had tons of bruises from practicing martial arts and I didn't want anyone to think I was being abused and for the pictures to be ruined.
Hey thanks for the bigger beach photo! You are so sexy!! What a great thing to see first thing in the morning :D.
You're welcome and why.. THANK YOU! But I don't look like that now :(
Awwe hey and you know I've seen you in person and still say you are sexy now, AND in the photo! :)
You said its only 12-15lbs away and I know you've got a good plan so you'll be back to where you were in no time!
I am having a fat day, so you totally made my day James.
James, you called her "sexy?" Did you not read her "The Claws Come Out" post? Apologize, now!!
I'm just messing with you, Kat. Don't kick my ass. :)
Cindy - I heard no complaints! :) So I will continue to voice my opinion! Hah!
And Kat -- :)
Wow, your abs are really poppin in the 3rd pic. Especially with the assless chaps, it gives me this uhm, warm and fuzzy feeling inside. :)
Yeah James, I might get all offended and write a post about it. j/k
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