I was thinking about you today on the way to work. I put on your sun glasses even though they are too big for my face. I still wear them and reminisce of our trips to Baja, that first time I put them on when visiting Frank’s cove, Tomb Stone and Repel Beach. Good times!!!
your Daddy’s girl forever!
your Daddy’s girl forever!
I'm sure your dad read that over your shoulder as you were typing it. *waving* Hi Mr. Kat's Dad!
Aww, look at wittle Kat!
How sweet!!
Hey Vanessa, that's really sweet! Looks like you had a great dad!
Wow, I haven't checked vanessa's blog for a little while since I figured she's still new at it and won't be posting regular updates. Boy am I wrong! Time to put you in my google reader.
I know! I've creating a blogging monster! Which was exactly my purpose, since I need more stuff to read. :)
awww Vanessa :)
James, I figured the same thing too, new blogger: probably blog something a couple times a week.... NOT. I have so much catching up to do.
It's only because I have access to the internet at work and normally have nothing to do here. Wait until July when I transfer to Sales and am super busy all the time. I think I will be blogging a lot less
nooooooo! then i'll have to create ANOTHER blogging monster!!
I didn't say I would completely stop blogging... just this monster might not be as big come July.
I have someone in mind to create as a blog monster. I'll give you one hint - he's my Blog Dad. Can you guess who it is? There must be a way to twist his arm into doing it.
I think my old photo, plus a few condemning photos that we'll day when he's drunk for his birthday dinner, oughta be good blackmail material.
day = take
I have really weird Freudian slips.
I miss Him 2~~
Love ya!!!!
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