My Detox Packet came in from
dragonherbs and the best news is that I get to eat during the 11 day detox. YEAH! I have done 1-day, 3-day and 21-day detox before and this is the first one that actually allows you to eat. There is a food list and it has fruits, nuts & seeds, healthy oils, vegetables, gluten-free grains, healthy protein (optional) and herbs and spices to choose from. This is going to be a walk in the park!
The Assist-the-Positive Cleanse is designed to open the channels of elimination such as the colon, liver, lymph, skin, kidneys, and breath.
My cool packet came with:-
Assist the Positive Elixir – Nasty tasting herb tea, but VERY good for you.
- Bupleurum & Rehmannia – Deep & superb detoxification herbs.
Small Volcano – Helps promote BM.
Spring Dragon Longevity Tea – tea composed of the best tonic herbs in the world.
- Omphalia 11 – Cleansing herbs
Herbal Cleanse bath bags– Chinese herbs to cleanse the body and purify the skin
- Tao in a bottle – Anti-stress formula that contains relaxing and
adaptogenic herbs
In addition to taking the above mention stuff daily, I have to work out every day for 60 minutes, drink fresh vegetable juice, drink water, drink the Master Cleanse drink (yuck!), meditate 5-10 minutes a day, take alternating hot and cold showers, give assistance to someone who can use a hand and take a few minutes to give thanks and reflect on things you are grateful for. I like the last two!
The Master Cleanse drink is the concoction of lemon, purified water, maple syrup and cayenne pepper. It is one of the most god-awful-drink and its only purpose is to help you sweat. I might pass on this, like I have in the past. It really is terrible!
Before you start you need to “check in with yourself” and be sure that it’s a good time to start the cleanse and that you are not under an unusually high amount of stress or have a demanding schedule. This made me laugh! If I wait for that, then it might be months before I do the cleanse, so I will just wait to start until after my cycle.