Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Take 2 and call me in the morning!

About a month ago (or longer) I started to feel extremely stressed out. I was cramming a lot in my schedule, working out like crazy to prepare for my running events, started a new position that I didn't like and was working on my Dad's Estate stuff (yes, that is STILL going on!!).

My friends could hear it in my voice and when they saw me could see if in my eyes. I felt like I was going to snap at any minute!

And then the strangest thing happen... it all melted away!

Funny how GREAT, no strike that, AMAZING sex will just put a smile on your face and make all your worries go away. I know my "dry" spell was not THAT long, but it seemed like an eternity.

Oh, happy days are here again!


Diva said...

Crazy how the whole world can be going to hell in a handbasket and as long as I'm gettin some, none of it really seems so bad.

Anonymous said...

Did you make sure to thank Jay for his efforts in your stress-relief? :D

Glad to hear you're recovering.

Jane Doe said...

Thoughts of a DIVA - SO true! Great love making makes EVERYTHING so insignificant! It seems like nothing can bring me down.

Cindy - I DO "thank" him :)... did last night! Tee hee! I'm glad I am recovering too. This is the BEST theraphy EVER. I am so giddy... it's ridic!