Monday, October 1, 2007

Freshman 15

Ok, so since school has started I have been slacking on my workouts. I remember this dedicated person that would stick to her workout schedule almost to the T! Then school started.. and she wasn't so motivated. Thanks GOD I haven't gained 15 pounds, but I did have my measurements taken yesterday and even though some where down, overall I was back or close to my May measurements. It wasn't a shock. I could feel the fatness growing!

In addition, my trainer said that you "normally" gain weight when you are happy in a relationship and made a comment that Jay must be keeping me happy, which is VERY true! Nonetheless, I don't need things getting out of control, so back to a workout schedule I go.

I have dedicated my (3) one-hour lunch periods to weight training and on top of that I have started my marathon training. Btw, the marathon is ONLY 15 weeks away! AHHHHH!!!

My hands and fingers are still shaking from the workout. I did 3 sets of 9 chin up/dips, then 3 sets of 10 crunches/back work out thing, then 3 sets of 20 dead lifts and shoulder wkout, followed by 3 set of 15 right/middle/left plank and ended with 10 minutes of cardio.

I feel great! The only thing I need to make a mental note of is to take a big towel to dry off with. There were a few co-workers and my VP's wife there and the last thing I need them to see is my tooshie or my tattoos.

Oh... and you guessed it, I signed up for more events!

On top of the Boot Camp Challenge that will be next week, here are the monthly running eventss that I will be participating in (I can hear the fat burning already!!!)

1. Santa Monica Trail Run - Nov. 18th - 18km (approx 11 miles)

2. 7th Annual "Say No To Drugs" - Dec 16th - 5k (this one I am doing with my three sister and my niece)

3. And January is the MARATHON!

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