I took the day off yesterday so I could attend graduation practice in the afternoon and make it to graduation early. Although an AA is not a degree that is given at a Cal State or UC, it was still a precious moment to me and I was thrilled to be taking part in the ceremony.
As I got ready for practice, I got a call from my doctor. His voice already told me he didn’t have the best of news for me. He said that my biopsy came back, I didn’t have cancer, but they could not rule it out either. I have Follicular Cells, which I goggled later and its cells in the thyroid, but other website said Follicular cancer is an aggressive cell (which I don’t have, but I am assuming for the time being that the cells can turn to it.) I know, I know… I should have asked while on the phone, but I was too shocked to even think of questions. I have a follow up appointment with him in two weeks, at which time I will ask all the questions that came up after I hung up. Can you think of any thing that I should ask?
I will need to have surgery to remove the two nodules and any others they find when they open me up. When they open me up, if my thyroid glad has cancer, they will remove it completely. After surgery, regardless if they only take the nodules or the entire gland, I will need to take thyroid medication for the rest of my life. I made the appointment to see the surgeon for my consultation which is 3 weeks out.
Hind sight, I would have gone to graduation practice or taken a walk before calling anyone. I was an emotional mess and the first thing I did was call Jay. He didn’t pick up, so I called my Mom. As I started to tell her what the doc said, I burst into an emotionally basket case! Who gives calls like this??? Well, I did. I felt horrible when my Mom emailed me later that her heart was trembling! I called Jay before leaving and was again a mess!
Like they say, bad things come in 3, so there was hit #1 for the day.
So off I went, like I should have to graduation practice. It was bright and sunny when I left for practice, so much so that I worn a tank top, shorts and flip flops. Graduation was being held at my old high school’s tack and field (outdoors) and practice was being held at the very spot I would be seating that night. Right as they started with announcements the wind picked up, the sunny skies became replaces with grey clouds. The rain gods soon started to pour on our practice and we didn’t get to practice our precession. I got home and guess what? My period started a week and half EARLY! It’s as if my body was an emotional mess, too! So that is hit #2 of the 3 bad things that day!
It was eerie after I got home. I spoke to Cindy on the phone and after that it was dead silent! No emails, texts, phone calls... nothing! I was just there at my house working away on schoolwork with the only noise coming from the thunder and rain. Finally, as I was taking off to graduation calls started pouring in. It was one call after another, literally! It’s funny how my mind works, but when it gets that silent and I can’t get a hold of someone, I think God came and I am left alone on earth.
On campus there was the same eerie feeling. There was no one in sight. The parking lot I parked at was completely empty, except for my car. I finally turned the corner in the middle of campus to see life, tons of grads around the cafeteria (a place we were not supposed to meet up at). That’s were I got hit #3 from the 3 bad things of the day… graduation had been cancelled due to the rain. WHAT THE F%&@! At practice they told us if it was raining, that the ceremony would be held at the school gym, but I guess they didn't plan ahead for it.
There was a line to take pictures with the school president and another line to get out commemorative pin and diploma cover. I made the call/texts to everyone with the news, took my picture and got in line for my diploma cover. I was thinking that they would just give us the cover and I would be on my merry way. But noooooo.... Someone had a bright idea to make us actually wait over 30 minutes standing in a crowded cafeteria (cuz the reception was being held there, too) to confirm our diplomas and to hear one of the student speeches (that we couldn't even hear or care about at this point!)
I was in a foul mood. My sister and brother-in-law were still on there way and my Mom later called me and made her way to campus with my niece, too. That made me in a better mood.
While in line my sister and bro-in-las found me and gave me ballons, flowers and a card.
This is what it said…
Remember What is Most Important…
It’s not having everything go right; it’s facing whatever goes wrong.
It’s not being without fear; it’s having the determination to go on in spite of it.
What is most important is not where you stand, but the direction you’re going in.
It’s more than never having bad moments; it’s knowing you are always bigger than the moment.
It’s believing you have already been given everything you need to handle life.
It’s not being able to rid the world of all its injustices; it’s being able to rise above them.
It’s the belief in your heart that there will always be more good than bad in the world.
Remember to live just this one day and not add tomorrow’s troubles to today’s load.
Remember that every day ends and brings a new tomorrow full of exciting new things.
Love what you do, do the best you can, and always remember how much you are loved”
It was exactly was I needed to hear!
The night ended good!
Awwww!!! I love that card! It was just right, glad you liked it too! Man, it was crazy yeaterday for you BUT U MADE IT! Now... tonight its more celebrations!1 WoooHooooo!!! Cant wait! :) Love you so much and you mean the world to me. I couldnt t hink of any questions to ask the doctor. Love ya!
You are right, the card was JUST right! I felt so much better when you got there. I think I just needed someone next to my side! Thank you for all your love and support through all this! You are the best!!! Tonight will be a lot of fun and can't wait for everyone to see Sharon with her Flamenco moves! :)
Ya know, you look SO cute carrying around a baby. I've never thought that about anyone before. Well, I may have thought that ONCE when I saw this big burly muscular man carrying around a teeny tiny weeks-old newborn, but I thought he looked cute carrying around a baby for a whole other reason.
I am glad you bad things that come in threes turned around before the day was over. HAPPY GRADUATION!!
As far as the thyroid condition, I would ask to see the pathology report. You have a right to this. It should give you a very detailed list of the types of cells that came back. Find out ALL the side affects from the thyroid medication you will be put on for the rest of your life (thyroid medicine can affect each person totally different). Write your questions down so you do not forget them when you get to the dr office. Typically people become rattled when the step into the dr office and then when he starts all that mumbo jumbo medical talk it just confuses us more and we get side tracked and then never get everything answered. If you have follicular cells but they are not aggressive find out exactly what type YOU have. If I understand it correctly we ALL have thyroid follicular cells--you need more details as to which type. Your thyroid is not an area you want to get screwed up. Too many hormones hanging out there!!
Hope your holiday weekend is good. Hugs!!
Cindy - Thanks, but I think it has to do a lot with Jayla's cutenes! I had a lot of fun on Friday!!! Of course, I left my camera at home, but will post tomorrow. :) Thanks again for coming!!! That meant a lot to me!
Flat Coke - I was so happy when things started to turn around that day! I was in such a negative space and glad it cleared up! Thank you for the email you sent me the other day with the Thyroid website and the pathology report is a good thing to look at! Good idea! I'm going to write all my questions down and make sure I cover all bases. I know that feeling of going blank the minute the doc comes in. This is way too important to have that happen!
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