My sister had a beautiful Flamenco dress and is well on here way on becoming one of the top students, you can just tell. She mimics her teacher very well. I sat with a bunch of her friends that I have know for awhile and one commented on how great my sisters back looks.

I remember when my sister was going to get married she wanted her back to look good for her special day and ever since has been working it out. I got a great shot of it, too.
During the dance I got into with the ex (“roomie”). It was all through texting and one phone call, but I was livid! He doesn’t see anything wrong with the fact that he told details of our break-up to many of his clients, one being Rita who was sitting right me and decided to tell me what he had said. I text him that I was upset that he said anything at all, that I was embarrassed and in his next relationship to confine in a few friends to vent to and not his entire client base. He had patched the holes that he created, but still needs to paint. I told him I would take care of that. I really don’t want to see him. He is a negative force field and I don’t want to be around it, even if it’s by phone. I’m glad that he broke up with me. It was one of the best gifts of this year!
Any who… other then that little drama, the night was great!
Saturday I had to wake up SUPER early to make it to the Avia OC Marathon shoe pick up. They made it into a huge event. It started off with a 3.8 mile run, which I almost missed! See, what should have been a 20 minute ride to Aliso Viejo took 45 mins! A motorcycle had gotten into an accident and 4 lanes were closed on the freeway. I got there right when they were reviewing the run. I ran in quickly, got my hand stamped, grabbed my goodie bag and ran back to my car to drop it off. Suddenly I realized I had to go to the restroom and didn’t think I could hold it for a 4 miles run so there I was off running to the restroom. When I came out, all the runners were already off. I made a mad dash to catch up and fortunately found the group.
When we return I picked up my new shoes, got two shirts, listened to a shoe expert and an Olympic medalist, ate lunch and was off to martial arts practice.
During the dance I got into with the ex (“roomie”). It was all through texting and one phone call, but I was livid! He doesn’t see anything wrong with the fact that he told details of our break-up to many of his clients, one being Rita who was sitting right me and decided to tell me what he had said. I text him that I was upset that he said anything at all, that I was embarrassed and in his next relationship to confine in a few friends to vent to and not his entire client base. He had patched the holes that he created, but still needs to paint. I told him I would take care of that. I really don’t want to see him. He is a negative force field and I don’t want to be around it, even if it’s by phone. I’m glad that he broke up with me. It was one of the best gifts of this year!
Any who… other then that little drama, the night was great!
Saturday I had to wake up SUPER early to make it to the Avia OC Marathon shoe pick up. They made it into a huge event. It started off with a 3.8 mile run, which I almost missed! See, what should have been a 20 minute ride to Aliso Viejo took 45 mins! A motorcycle had gotten into an accident and 4 lanes were closed on the freeway. I got there right when they were reviewing the run. I ran in quickly, got my hand stamped, grabbed my goodie bag and ran back to my car to drop it off. Suddenly I realized I had to go to the restroom and didn’t think I could hold it for a 4 miles run so there I was off running to the restroom. When I came out, all the runners were already off. I made a mad dash to catch up and fortunately found the group.
When we return I picked up my new shoes, got two shirts, listened to a shoe expert and an Olympic medalist, ate lunch and was off to martial arts practice.
These are my new shoes! :)
Never heard of the brand before, but they are sponsoring the Marathon. I tried the shoes on at the location and they are very light and are a good fit.
On Sunday was a Bon Voyage/Friend get together. The two girlie that are taking off to Puerto Rico tomorrow didn't want it to be an official "bon voyage" so we changed it to a friend BBQ get together, which just meant that they now had to bring something. The boys played basketball, I almost went swimming, but it started to rain. The food was endless! We had a fruit salad, chicken sandwiches, chips, turkey burgers, rice, veggies, potato salad, brownies, fried chicken rolls and chili.
Hope you two have a great trip!!! Make sure to bring me back something! just kidding...kinnda!
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